Course Resources and Links Books Metagenomics GitBook by Ken Youens-Clark and Bonnie Hurwitz; all computational notes are here! Bioinformatics Data Skills – a great resource for learning about working with large-scale sequence data and basic bioinformatics skills.  We cover many of these topics in our class. I contain multitudes: the microbes within us and a grander view of life – new best seller and fantastic overview to the importance of microbes on, in, and around us. Github Github – used for code version control and sharing assignments with instructors. Github Desktop – This is an easy to use program to interface with your github repository.  This can be used with either mac or PC. Ken’s ABE487 Github repo – Answers to homework and example code for the class. Unix Bash docs Code Academy The Art of the Command Line Perl Learn Perl 6 in Y Minutes Perl 6 Docs Perl 6 Modules Other courses in programming for Biology Berkeley bioinfo course (Python) Berkeley bioinfo course (Perl 5) Programming for Biology (Stein, Perl 5)